Average student rating of 4.7

The average rating of 111 students who've reviewed the classes is 4.7 out of 5.

"Strategy Is Your Words" by Mark Pollard

Now available in the USA

The 392-page strategy book that many of the 100 classes in Sweathead are built from is now available in the USA. It's hardcover, it has yellow edges, it smells tasty, and the paper feels touchy. But it will help you snatch clarity from the messy world we inhabit. Buy a copy today.

Strategy Summer Camp But All Year

  • 100 Strategy Classes

    That's right. You could choose to do 100 days of strategy in a row or work slower. You can go into the material as deeply as you'd like. You'll need about 30 minutes every day to do the bare minimum.

  • 100 Exercises

    Every class will push you to put pen to paper. You'll get at least 100 exercises to do. The camp will run through Mark Pollard's new book "Strategy Is Your Words" (out now). You'll get to explore yourself and the words you use at yourself as much as you get to learn practical strategy techniques.

  • A Gang

    One of the reasons we chose this particular training software is that we can put you together with people like you. Then you'll get to conquer your careers and the world together.

What we'll cover

Sure, we're going to cover a lot and you'll take out what you put in but here's a sample of what your brain will get to chew on:

  • We'll investigate words you might use at yourself - words such as “clarity”, “lone wolf”, “impostor”, “truth”, “meaning”, “rejection”, “empathy”, “art”, “opinions”, and “patience”.

  • We'll ask: What is strategy? What is an insight? What's an idea? What kinds of ideas are there in advertising? Why are ideas difficult?

  • We'll explore The Four Points, a strategy framework that will push your thinking further. And, insodoing, we'll play with over 20 ways to get to and then express strategic thinking.

Your Host



  • How will the classes happen?

    You can do the classes at your own pace. The classes will be available to you in some way while you are a member of Sweathead. I'll also share open office times throughout the year. Some months we do a lot and some months are quiet.

  • Do I have to do one class to get the next class?

    Yes. I'm trying to guide you patiently through my crazy head. The more strategists I talk to, the more we back out of conversations about strategy to talk about life. Then we re-approach strategy with more vigor. Also, I'm not giving away 100 classes to people who log in once and leech it. Jeepers.

  • Are there any pre-requisites?


  • How much time is expected for each class?

    The heart of the classes and exercises will require about 30 minutes. But I'll push you to do more. For instance, if you have the time right now because you're out of work, you could certainly spend half a day on many of the classes.

  • Will the materials be available after the course is done?

    Yes. The material will be available to Sweathead members as part of an active Sweathead membership. You can cancel any time but the classes will then not be available to you.

  • Am I too experienced or too inexperienced for this?

    This question is difficult to answer. I've been working in agencies on and off since I was 19. This class material has grown over the past 12 years. I just turned 42. And the clarity with which I feel this material has hit me in the past two years is real. I've taught college students and I've had CCOs and CEOs sit in my sessions. I'd encourage anyone who's yearning to learn to do it. And not just because I believe the student is their own teacher and I'm just here to nudge.

  • What level of difficulty is this material?

    The course isn't aimed at a high or low level. It's aimed at people with something to learn. It's such a tough question. The simple things, I'll break apart and get you to explore them differently. The complex things, I'll make simple as best I can.

  • Whom is this good for?

    Anyone open to learning. At the heart of how I teach is critical thinking. And in the heart of this is a push to explore what's deep inside you. That is to say this is very heartfelt. You might be a college student, a marketer, an intern, an aspiring strategist, a strategist with 2 years experience or 10 or 20. It doesn't matter. You'll learn something or, at least, find entertainment in my mullet.